
Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Psalm 119:11

Eventually, I would like to have a memory programme listed here. So, maybe in a few weeks this page will look a lot different (differently?).

Note: Just in case you’re wondering, ’cause for some reason people sometimes do, I use KJV for two reasons, well three actually:
1) it’s the version I grew up with and the one I’m used to, so it’s easier for me to find verses when I think KJV.
2) I find it easier to memorize because it’s a bit more “flowery” than regular speech – it gives me more “odd bits” to hang my memory on – which at this point in my life, I need.
3) I can use it on this site without worrying about copyright. 

Please feel free to memorize in the version of your choice. I also like memorizing in NASB but I find it is too much for my brain to try to memorize in both – so I just stick to one. This is in no way a reflection of my thinking one translation is better than another – that’s not something I worry about – I just prefer for the above reasons to use KJV here. (I read KJV, NKJV, NASB, NIV, and NEV at home and NLT sometimes, too!…but to memorize – it’s KJV for me)


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